Sunday, December 26, 2010

So You Want Him Back Quickly? 3 Easy-to-Follow Tips to Get Him Back Fast

I realize that right now you are experiencing a lot of painful emotions rights now. The breaking off of a relationship and the heartbreak that goes along with it can be one of the most emotionally painful experiences. I know because I have been there before, you're not alone. You are lonely and you are depressed and your heart feels as though it will burst from your chest, am I right? So what are you going to do about it? You want him back quickly, and with a little work on your part and the advice that I'm about to provide you will get him back so fast that you won't even remember that the break up happened in the first place.

1 - For starters you need to stop talking to him; in fact you need to cut off all communication. That means no texts, no emails and no phone calls. I know that the temptation is there and all you want right now is to have him in your life but believe me when I tell you that if you want him back quickly you have to ignore every fiber of your being that screams go to him. You need some alone time to get your head screwed on right, determine the precise reasons behind the breakup and figure out your next course of action. This time apart will also give him some much needed time to miss you.

2 - You need to remember that he doesn't want a girl that has no self confidence. He wants someone that can be by herself and knows how to live her life without him in it. Your confidence is your most attractive feature so if you want him back quickly you need to dress to kill and continuously show him that you are a confident and independent woman. Nothing is more attractive than someone who is self assured and carries themselves like they mean business. Remember that the breakup isn't necessarily the end of the relationship and it definitely isn't the end of the world. So go out with your girlfriends, flaunt what you've got and remember what it was like to have some fun by yourself for a change.

3 - Finally you need a plan of action, specific strategies that will have not only have him coming back to you quickly but have him practically begging you to take him back; a step by step guide that will talk you through each conversation and encounter with your ex. This kind of strategy is completely plausible to come up with by yourself and if you take some time you will doubtless be able to get your ex back, but if you want him back quickly I have a few suggestions.

You may think that such a system doesn't exist but let me tell you, when my ex broke it off with me I was distraught and miserable, just as you are now. But I came across The Magic of Making Up and within 3 weeks my ex was knocking at my door asking to reignite the old flame. This system saved my relationship and it will save yours if you let it. Check out The Magic Of Making Up to discover the magic system that so many people are talking about.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

I want my ex back, but, am I ready

Why is it so hard to admit to ourselves that we want our ex back? It is clear if we are thinking about him all of the time. It is more than clear if we wake up at night or in the morning thinking about him. We can't keep him out of our conversations. Our friends, tired of hearing about it are finally telling us to just move on.
The main reason: if we articulated to ourselves we want him back, we would be forced to just take action. That would require facing some unpleasant truths about the relationship and our own fears and guilt.
One of the reasons: we are afraid we are wrong. We are not sure what went wrong. If we were dumped, we think logically enough he no longer loves us. We simply don't want to risk being hurt again. And we don't want to go revisit all the pain we have suffered during the breakup.
If we dumped him we may feel guilty. We logically enough feel we are to blame for all the painful feelings caused by the relationship breaking up. Since we caused the break up, how dare we try to get him back? The pain associated with the relationship breaking up turns to guilt.
It's okay to think deeply about important life questions. Getting your ex back is a process beginning with asking yourselves if its good for you both to be together again.
We all want what is best for our life. Romantic relationships are the most important. No matter how well romantic relationships begin, they can go wrong in so many ways.
After all the harsh words said, and all the hurtful actions, how do you manage this? How do I communicate with him? When do I do it? What about reconnecting sexually? Dating another guy when I still want to get back with my ex? Not talking to him at all?
All these are issues require clarity. You have to be clear about the best ways to get your relationship back together again. Make a mistake at any stage and you destroy completely your chances to get your ex back.
What's most important is finding a reliable guide to help you along the various stages of winning back your ex's love, including the challenge of wanting them backThere is a guide that has helped thousands to win back the love of an ex. For information about the guide, see The Magic of Making Up

Get Your Ex Back Never Revealed Before System

Stop rejection, get your ex back or have any lover you want by next week! One Powerful Plan that ends suffering and brings back your true love in only a few short days! Fool Proof Secret Strategies that will have your Ex Begging You for another chance!

Check it out!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Get Ex Back For Women - Get Your Man Back System

Get Ex Back System For Women.

Get your man back and make him commit! Fix your break up and get commitment from your ex. I worked on a personal one-to-one basis with hundreds of women who were looking to get their men back and as a result of working with so many women from all walks of life I have developed and refined to perfection an extensive, fool-proof system for getting a man back when he pulls away, loses interest or breaks up with you.

Get Your Man Back!

Monday, December 13, 2010

7 Step System To Get Your Ex Back And Rebuild Your Relationship

The end of a relation

7 Step System To Get Your Ex Back And Rebuild Your Relationship

ship is one of the most painful and often confusing experiences of our lives. We nearly all go through it at some point, but  no one knows what to do when faced with a break up - it isn't something we learn along the way.
This system will give you a strategy for getting your ex back. It breaks the process down step by step. You will learn to recognize how your own actions appear to your ex, and how changing what you do can change how your ex thinks about you.

Step 1 - Take the heat off
When the other person has ended the relationship and moved on, it's common to feel things are out of control. The natural reaction is to try to get control back, but we don't know how. We often end up obsessing about what we have lost and end up doing all the wrong things, so that we drive our ex further away, even though that's the last thing we want.
The first priorities when dealing with a break up that you want to mend are to limit the damage that has been done and to stop doing things that can make things worse.

Because we desperately want to keep the relationship going, we often resort to pleading, begging, and trying to put pressure on the other, and this typically leads to fighting and more unhappiness. Instead of helping to keep the relationship together, this kind of behavior only pushes your ex further away.

If you find yourself pleading, nagging or doing things like texting all the time, constantly checking for emails and phone calls that never come, or hanging out where you expect your ex to show up so you can confront them, then it is very important to stop this.

An important step that will help you find calm and set yourself up for the long process of getting your ex back is to accept the breakup.

This might seem to be the opposite of what you should do, because what you want is to get back together. You have to take a long term view. Think of your plan to get your ex back as a process with many stages and steps. The first step is to stop making things worse, and fighting with someone who wants to break up with you by trying to make them stay is only driving them further away.

Agree instead that breaking up is the right thing to do, and you have made an important shift. Now you and your ex agree about something! Remember, this is only the first step. Your ultimate goal is to get your ex to decide that getting back together is what they really want. It begins by accepting the break up so you can prepare for the next steps.

Step 2 - Assess the relationship and its potential

Almost every relationship is salvageable so there is always reason to be hopeful, but a lot depends on your ex and their situation. Of course, there can be many reasons for a relationship to end, and sometimes it isn't because of any really problematic behavior.

Especially in younger couples, it can simply be a matter of getting the balance right between preserving your own space and smothering your partner with too much attention.

With this in mind, take a realistic look at whether this relationship is one you can and want to save.

First you must ask yourself why you want to get your ex back. Is it because you truly love this person as they are, or are you in love with who they could be, or with the idea of who you want them to be in your life?

Remember, changing how your ex sees you is the goal, and even if they are cold and distant now, or if they seem to have moved on with someone else, you may still be able to get your ex back by showing them that things are different, and giving them time to come around.

Step 3 - Show your sympathetic side, and consider an apology

A heartfelt apology can do wonders to encourage forgiveness and healing - In the right circumstances. You must gauge whether your ex will be receptive to your apology, because if you get it wrong it will only make things worse.

The keys are to know why you are apologizing, and to be sincere about it. If you are not truly sorry, it will be obvious and your apology will really be more of an insult, because it shows you don't really care - you are just using your apology as a way to get what you want.

It will make a tremendous difference to show sympathy toward your ex. Make it your top priority to avoid fighting and instead find ways to create agreement. If you can get on the same side about something - even some small thing - you are moving away from discord and positioning yourself as an ally for your ex instead of an opponent. The agreement on the decision to break up we looked at in step 1 is an important example of this.

Being understood creates a very powerful feeling of connection to the other person. Show your ex you understand and sympathize with them, and you will almost certainly change how they think about you. They may even start to wonder if they are making the right decision to end the relationship.

Step 4 - Cut off communication

For the time being, do not make any effort to contact your ex. When you cut off communication you create space for some "thinking time". It may seem counter-intuitive, but by cutting communication off you are signaling that you have already moved on and that you are doing just fine.

People often want what they can't have, and if your ex thinks they can no longer have you, this alone can be enough to turn them around and start to want to get back together.

So, make yourself scarce. If your ex contacts you, be ready to engage with them in a friendly, sympathetic way, but maintain a little distance and keep it that way.

It takes time for this process to work, and jumping back in at the first sign of encouragement can destroy all hopes of recovering your relationship.

Step 5 - Return to a life of your own

Your aim is to get your ex to fall in love with you again, and since people are drawn to happy people it makes sense to find ways to appear happy, even if you might not always feel it inside. When you can find happiness in your situation you will make yourself much more attractive to others.

Make the effort to connect with old friends, get out of your usual surroundings, try new hobbies or sports. Enjoy life!

This actually paves the way for you to find new relationships, if that's what you want, and gives you the power to choose whether or not you still want to get back together with your ex. Surprisingly, this in itself can be a powerful advantage in reviving a broken relationship.

Here is an important guideline: don't try to catch attention by making your ex jealous. It could possibly work sometimes, but is just as likely to backfire and end things for good.

Simply be yourself. There was a really good reason for why you and your ex had a relationship to begin with, so go back to being yourself and you will help your ex remember why they loved you in the first place. Your renewed self perception will likely make your ex look at you with new eyes.

Step 6 - Be honest with yourself, and correct your faults

If you can point to one specific thing that caused your breakup you must be prepared to change that. If there was a series of events that eventually tipped your ex over the edge, you may first need to unravel the real problems so you know what to focus on.

Apply the golden rule: if you wouldn't tolerate a certain behavior from your partner, why would you expect them to tolerate it in you?

Whatever the root problems are, working on overcoming your faults is simply the price of being in harmony with your ex.

You have to remember that if you manage to get back together with your ex without correcting your underlying problems, whatever they are, then your reconciliation will only be temporary. To make the relationship permanent the change has to be permanent.

Step 7 - Set the stage for getting back together

Knowing when the time is right to commit yourself to being together again is difficult, because most of us are so intent on recovering the relationship and making things work that we jump at the first sign that things might be on the mend.

As you complete the other steps in the process look for signs of warmth, connectedness and encouragement from your ex. Be happy if you see them, but take it slow. Be available, but don't open up completely just yet. Don't be tempted to see one small gesture of acceptance as a sign that they are ready to be persuaded once and for all.

Let your ex be the one to say they want you back, and make sure they really mean it when it happens.

And when it does happen - Congratulations! Getting back with an ex you thought you had lost is one of life's sweetest experiences.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Getting Your Ex Back By Using The No Contact Rule - Chances Are You're Doing It Wrong!

Getting Your Ex Back By Using The No Contact Rule - Chances Are You're Doing It Wrong!

Your heartbroken and stressed out since your ex broke it off with you and the only thing that you can think of that will end the pain is to get your ex back. Day and night you try to think of what you can do and what you might say to change your ex's mind and persuade a come back. You may have even tried talking with them, being nice to your ex, promising to change and even telling your ex to go take a hike in a moment of frustration. You may have tried writing a heart felt love letter or even telling your ex that you still love them and always will. But nothing seems to be able to change your ex's mind and you wonder what you should do next.
The No Contact Rule - You have probably heard of the no contact rule or even tried following this rule in hopes that it would help you to get your ex back. Much to your dismay nothing happened. Maybe your ex even said that they were happy that you weren't contacting them any longer, which broke your heart all over again. Some wonderful method for getting your ex back, don't you think? Just leave your ex alone and hope and pray that they come back to you. How is that supposed to work? What's to keep your ex from thinking that you have moved on and that you don't really care any more?
The problem is that most people, even those advising the use of the no contact rule to get your ex back, don't understand how it's supposed to be used and what it's supposed to accomplish. This dandy piece of advice is just doled out as a necessary part of getting an ex back without much explanation of what its purpose is and what it should accomplish. Without this information all you are doing is dropping off your ex's radar hoping that something will happen to miraculously change your ex's mind. Sorry to say but chances are slim to none of this happening in most cases or than the most mundane of breakups.
Time - So how long should the no contact rule be used before it is ok to get back in touch with your ex? Honestly, that depends. It depends upon you and how quickly you can recover emotionally from the breakup. It depends upon how long it takes for you to gather yourself and regain the confidence that you can get your ex back. It depends upon how long it takes you to come up with a good solid plan to get your ex back including what you're going to say, how you're going to say it and knowing what your attitude should be like towards your ex.
It is a mistake to place a flat one month moratorium on contact with your ex just become someone says so. This isn't and shouldn't be a hard and fast rule. After all, if you and your ex just had a small spat and you go off and stop communicating with your ex for a month, which is typically the standard rule, your ex is going to think that you are done with them. It could be that after two days your ex is ready to talk to you again and if you can pull yourself together in that amount of time and you have your wits about you it is possible to get your ex back that quick. Of course, if you're still a wreck and you aren't really quite sure of how to handle yourself then you could make things worse and wind up making the breakup worse!
What To Do - Many people think that the no contact rule is just about putting some time and distance between themselves and their ex. Some experts suggest that you take up a hobby or hang out with friends or family to allow the time to pass more quickly and make you feel better. While this is all true and time does heal all wounds, if you are really serious about getting your ex back you're really going to be pretty busy... maybe even too busy to think of what your ex is doing, what went wrong in your relationship or even be too upset about the breakup... so this is somewhat true.
The important part of what the no contact rule will give you is time to heal yourself, get your head together and come up with a plan that you can see working to get your ex back. While part of that plan includes rebuilding your confidence the vast majority of your plan should include methods that have been shown to work. Just be careful! There is a ton of advice out there that is quite lame and which can actually destroy any chance that you might have of getting your ex back. Keep in mind that the advice from friends in family are typically at the top of this list and what worked for your aunt and uncle probably won't work for you.
This is your life, your relationship and your heart that we're talking about. While you might be tempted  to talk about your breakup with anyone and everyone and get their advice on what you should do to get your ex back, most times people are repelled by the constant talk of your ex. So keep this to yourself... because you do know that there is a very good chance that your ex is in contact with your friends and family under the pretense of "checking on you" and if your ex catches wind of the fact that you still want them back it will undermine any plans that you might have.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How To Get Your Ex Back!!!!

How To Get Your Ex Back;

So your ex just moved on leaving you behind cold, hurting and desperate, but worse yet you cannot stop thinking about your ex for a minute.You tried everything you know to get your ex back and you even begged . Now you are brokenhearted, lonely, helpless and hopeless and it seems as if the world is on your shoulder. You no longer enjoy the things that you loved to do prior and it seems everything is black and white.
I know how that feels because I have been there before and so have 90% of adults and teens that were in love and have gone through the same thing that you are now going through now. The good news is that most of these adults and teens have reunited with their loved ones. Many of these adults includes couples, ex-con, or people who are in verbally or physically abusive relationships and some of the reasons they broke up includes cheating on their partner, lying, loss of interest and passion, indifference, religion, racism and the worst case scenario that anyone could ever imagine.
The question is how do these people win back their loved ones. What do these people do to reunite with their ex?

I am going to reveal to you the simple steps that you must take to get your ex back with proven psychological facts. This psychological fact is the main reason how people get back their ex. I want you to know, there are no push button methods to get your ex back and that is simply because we are dealing with people here and not robots. You will not get your ex back within 24 hours or seven days with these steps that I am going to show you. It will take time, daily dos and don'ts, along with patience.

What is the Secret?

The secret is that these people took simple yet highly effective actions like saying the right words at the right time and making the right moves at the right time and stopped doing things that they should not be doing. By following these same daily actions you can also get your ex back. Remember these secrets are nothing but simple actions that you need to take daily and will take you on the road to win your ex back.

One Precise Question and answer you must know before getting your ex back

I want to be honest with you and before you go ahead with the steps that I am going to show you, there is one question that you must answer. If your answer to this question is yes then you are ready to take the steps necessary to get your ex back.

Q. How far are you willing to go to get your ex back?
Your answer: You are willing to do things that you really do not feel like doing and even go the extra mile if that is what it takes to get your ex back. If this is the way you feel inside, then you are ready to follow the steps to getting your ex back. Please read on

First things first, just two rock-solid reasons why it is absolutely possible to get your ex back

The first thing you should do, just stop calling your ex, stop sending text messages, stop telling your best friend or friends to talk to your ex and stop begging your ex to give you one more chance and stop making promises that you will do anything to please your ex or that you will not do it again.
A lot of times we often fail to keep our promises and when we repeat them unintentionally our partners hold that up against us. This triggers the same unpleasant, disappointed and hopelessness emotions we had when we were at the point of breaking up and this brings us to the same dangerous ground. This is one reason why many people break up.
I know that communicating and begging your ex is the main thing that we want to do so badly when we breakup but this will never solve the problem. It only makes you helpless, weak and hopeless which in turn will make you do crazy things like drinking excessively, taking drugs, and even having sex etc. Doing these things will not get your ex back because all of these things are fear-based driven and we do them out of hopelessness. You cannot think straight and clear when you are motivated and driven by fear.

You need to regain your mental health. For this reason you must take a big break to calm down and recover your mental, emotional and physical strength, at the same time your ex also needed a big break just the same. Your relationship was at stake before the breakup happened simply because you were both stressed out, worn out, and it takes time and patience for both of you to recover. So there is no point at all to push it now as it will make matters worse. Give yourself  and your ex a big break. This will put both of you on the road to recovery which is absolutely crucial in getting back your ex.

Secondly you need to stop trying so hard to forget your ex. The truth is you cannot and you will not. The harder you try, the more you burn yourself out and the more you will remember your ex. So stop it. We all remember people in our lives even after 10, or more years because we have memories. Unless our memories are wiped out or we have brain-damage we will never forget about them (I do not mean to insult your intelligence here). After 10 years or so I still remember my first love till this very day. That is simply natural. I do have good news for you. If we cannot forget people because of our memory power then your ex still remembers you. Maybe your ex has moved on but does not mean your ex has forgotten about you. No matter how hard your ex may try to forget you the more he or she is going to remember you. Are you not glad to hear that? This is why it is absolutely possible to get your ex back. Read on, it will encourage you and give you hope.

Knowing the real reasons for your breakup is essential for getting your ex back!!!

Knowing exactly the reasons for your breakup is essential as this will help you know and evaluate that it is possible to reunite with your ex. Most of the time the main reason for a breakup is not because of cheating, disappointment, misunderstanding, loss of interest, physical or verbal abuse etc though people do think it is so.. You see there are some factors that added fuel to all of these.
I really do not care whether you think it was your fault or your ex  or whatever the reason may be. There is one huge factor that added fuel to whatever you think the reason it was that led to the breakup. And that is familiarity. Yes familiarity breeds contempt and you probably heard that before right. You see we all wanted to fall in love with someone whom we feel we can be ourselves with. And this is perfectly right. We also wanted to know more about the person we are in love with and spend so much time with them and we do this so as to please one another but later as we begin to get familiar with each other we started taking each other for granted and start to lose respect for each other. This is when things go from bad to worse.
Like for example when we were involve in the beginning we would maybe apologize sincerely if we did or said something wrong to our partner with heartfelt respect. But once we get too familiar with each other we casually say sorry without really meaning it. And worst of it all we repeat those same mistakes over and over again which led us to more and more serious unhealthy issues in our relationship. This is one big factor that builds up within us and pushes us towards breakups.

Another factor is stress and related problems. All of us experience mental stress in our daily life. It could be some small or even big issues we may have with our family, with our boss or co-workers in the office, with our friends or even financial problem like debts etc. All of this builds up within us and resides within us and at just a drop of a hat we are ready to explode.
Do you see now that it was entirely not your fault or even your ex faults. You and your ex were not aware of this at all but instead either of you started playing the blame game. But this is exactly the reason why it is absolutely possible to reunite with your ex. Keep on reading to learn how this is so true.

Do the following and you will be on your way to getting your ex back

Let go of your ex and everything that hurts you knowing that this is both good for your mental health and physical well being. Forgive your ex from your heart and stop thinking that he or she does not care for you anymore. You will be surprised to find out, as you continue to read on here, that your ex still loves you. I will prove this to you with psychological facts later on.

Letting go and forgiving your ex will release all of those negative emotions and this will make you feel lighthearted instead of heavyhearted. This will also result in emotional healing which is crucial for recovering your low self-image. You do not want to go around with a heavy heart as this will make matters worse.
You need to and must keep yourself lighthearted in order to socialize with other people like your best friends and family. As you do this you will gradually build a strong self image again or even stronger than before. Remember this is not easy but it will be worth it and I know you can do it.

Next you must learn to forgive yourself. Stop beating yourself down by blaming yourself. You are only putting yourself down and when you are low and down you cannot think straight. You need a clear mind to win back your ex. Also keep in mind that it takes time to heal emotionally but later you will come out stronger than before. When you let go, your ex will also be recovering from all the stress and whatever both of you went through.
So in the meantime have fun and hang out with friends especially those who are good at making jokes. For your heart to heal laughter is the best medicine. Go out on a picnic or someplace that you enjoy with your friends. Hang out more with lighthearted people even though you may not feel like doing it. It is worth it.
And while you are doing all of these things discipline yourself strongly to think positively at all times.
Never entertain thoughts and feelings that make you sad, serious, and gloomy. Do not entertain self pity as this is very destructive to your mental well-being. I know you can do it.

Next go shopping and buy things that you love. Buy a new outfit to wear. Go for a complete makeover. Remember you have nothing to lose by doing this but everything to gain including your ex. Keep on reading in order to fully understand why you should be doing these things and why this has to do with winning your ex back.

Know this Psychological facts and nothing will stop you from getting back your ex.

Your ex is still thinking about you and your ex cannot and will not forget you no matter how hard your ex may try. Your ex may have moved on but this does not matter at all. Here is why: Remember that we cannot just forget people in our lives even if we want to due to our memory. Another proof is that within your ex subconscious mind (the inner mind) lays all those experiences you both had together, thoughts and feelings of love that your ex has for you just the same way you do.

I do not want to insult your intelligence but just in case you have not heard about the subconscious mind here is some definition.

* The part of consciousness where all experience is stored as a set of sensory data, see, hear touch, taste, smell, etc.

* the band of the mind that stores memory, organizes and processes experience, utilizes the faculty of imagination and visualization, and operates the subtle mechanisms of karma. It lies between the Conscious mind and the Meta-conscious mind.

This is the main reason why many people reunite after breaking up no matter what they have been through or no matter how long it has been. It means that they took some right actions, unknowingly, that activated those thoughts and feelings of love they once had for each other within their subconscious mind.
You see love has always been there in their subconscious mind (the inner mind) during the break up period of time but it was suppressed and oppressed by mental stress and negative thoughts in the form of disappointment, hurts, worries, anxieties and hopelessness. When people hold on to these negative thoughts they give up in disappointment and make quick decision to move on because nobody likes to hold on for too long to things that hurt them. You see our mental health is not the same. Our ability to control our emotions when things get bad differs. This is probably the reason why your ex gave up.

Right now the most important thing to do is to learn how you can re-ignite or activate those flames of love stored within your ex subconscious mind.

For Even More Great Advice Click Magic of Making Up!